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Mounting System

All our mounting equipment has arrived. We are super happy with the build quality and have already run a couple test shoots with a car roof rack. The biggest challenge we face is vibraiton and shakey footage. We are taking as many steps as we can to reduce this. When put together, the different mounting components allow for a variety of mounting options, which we need becuase of the uniqueness of these antique airplanes. You can see some sticky mat and thick rubber sheeting in the photo. These serve two purposes. First, to protect the airplanes from being damaged by the clamps and to reduce vibration as much as possible. The zip ties act as a safety attachment...just in case the ram mount were to loosen. Also, gaffers tape is used throughout the whole mounting process to lock down evey component. We can't wait for the next airshow and get this system on a plane and in the air! Stay Tuned.

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